Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Hi guys, Sorry for the long delay.  I just wanted to get a letter from Brittany so I could pass something along instead of stupid jokes.
For some reason the Air Force decided that Brittany will be in the performance flight group at Basic Military Training (BMT) .  The performance flight is the ones that play the musical instruments during the ceremony.  I can tell the Air Force is really hard up for people playing musical instrument because she has no experience at all.  When she 1st started talking about this, my mind flash to her playing the triangle or cymbals.
  but no, the Air Force in their infinite wisdom, chose her to do the "snare drums". Get this... she had a boyfriend at one time that use to play in a band.  One day he taught her one song on the drums.  That was the  only song she could play.  She has no other experience.  I know I'm dating myself with this comment, but this reminds me of the t.v. show "Green Acres".  "Hot time in the old town tonight" is the only song that the Hooterville Volunteer Fire Department Marching Band knew.  Which is probably the only thing she knows too.
  So the point I'm trying to make is this should be really interesting.

She is asking for letters, and pictures.  It's driving her crazy not having anything to read.  So I've been sending newspaper clippings just to give her something to read.

She still seems upbeat and happy.  She is on Week Of Training (WOT) 3....  Go here to see the schedule:
Air Force Week Of Training (WOT) schedule

My family is actually celebrating right now knowing she's one day closer to being done.  We will have another celebration tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day... until she's done...

Hopefully I will hear some more soon.  Geez only 2 phone calls really suck.  I've learned one thing.  Don't stand between Tessie (Brittany's mom) and the phone when it rings.
That's it.....Until next time....
Brittany's dad ~

btw:  Happy Easter everyone...

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